Plans unveiled for accessible new homes in Southwick

Released: Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Updated plans to build more much-needed homes for those on the housing register have been unveiled by Adur District Council.

Prince Charles Close in Southwick is the latest location we have prepared revised proposals for as part of our small sites programme to deliver new homes on our underused car parks and old garage sites across the district.

The applications propose the development of nine apartments on the existing car park in the northern part of the estate and five terraced houses on the car park in the south east.

We held a public exhibition of both proposals last summer so that residents could ask questions about the initial plans. Feedback could also be provided online.

We have also conducted surveys and made subsequent changes to the planning applications to address the residents' concerns.

Some residents were concerned about a lack of parking in the area, so new spaces are being created for visitors and existing residents as part of the plans.

Residents also expressed their concerns over the proximity to nearby pylons and power cables. We commissioned an independent electromagnetic field (EMF) specialist to produce two reports, both of which confirmed the cables are low voltage and won't impact on the health and wellbeing of the future tenants of the new housing schemes.

We would like to thank the estate's residents for their feedback throughout the consultation which took place last summer.

Cllr Carson Albury, Adur's Cabinet Member for Adur Homes and Customer Services, said:

“We are in need of more homes for the many local individuals and families on our waiting list and are continuing the work on our small sites programme to deliver these much-needed housing projects.

“I'd like to say thank you to the residents at Prince Charles Close who have worked with our officers throughout the consultation process to raise any concerns or questions they may have had.

“I'd now welcome everyone to take a look at our planning applications for the sites in Southwick and share any feedback through our online consultation form.”

You can view and comment on the proposals:

For regular updates on the progress of our Small Sites programme, or follow the Adur District Council Facebook page.

Image: Artist's impression of the nine apartments which may be built on the existing car park to the north of the estate

PR23-113 - Artist's impression of the nine apartments which may be built on the existing car park to the north of the es

Image: Artist's impression of the five terraced houses which could be built on the car park to the south east of the estate

PR23-113 - Artist's impression of the five terraced houses which could be built on the car park to the south east of the

Photo: Proposed plans would see the existing car park to the north of the Prince Charles Close become the site for nine apartments

PR22-126 - Proposals would see the car park to the north of Prince Charles Close become nine apartments

Photo: The car park to the south east of Prince Charles Close could become the site for five houses

PR22-126 - The car park to the south east of Prince Charles Close could become the site for five houses


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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